Work Rules

International students in lawful F-1 and J-1 student immigration status can work on campus (with some restrictions and limitations) for the university that maintains their record in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). To work off campus, all student visa holders must receive written work authorization in advance from an international advisor.  For all work (both on and off campus) students must follow procedures to work legally and to be taxed correctly.

A social security number is required for students who work, but students can begin working before being issued a number.

On Campus Employment

How many hours can I work at UNM?

  • Up to 20 hours per week during the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • The week of Spring Break also has a limit of 20 hours.
  • More than 20 hours per week during the Summer and Winter vacations, but the maximum hours allowed is dependent on enrollment in classes and type of employment (graduate assistantship or student hourly employment). 

Finding A Job

Jobs at UNM

UNM student hourly jobs (not graduate assistantships) are posted on the student employment website. Students can sort for jobs by date posted, salary grade and campus. (International students are not eligible for positions classified as Work Study, which is a program only offered to U.S. citizens, unless it says "all students considered regardless of work study.") Students will need to complete paperwork and provide other information to the office of student employment when they get a student job on campus. J1 students must report their campus employer to an international advisor for entry into SEVIS.

Students may also work for UNM food services; however, the job must be on campus.

Here are some tips for getting a job on campus

Please see our handout On-Campus Employment for information and procedures for on-campus jobs. 

Work Frequently Asked Questions

Assistantship Frequently Asked Questions