International Agreements
International Agreements
International Agreements
The Global Education Office (GEO) provides essential support to UNM faculty and staff by facilitating the process to develop, revise, or renew a variety of international Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with institutions in other countries. GEO collaborates closely with faculty and units who want to pursue an international collaboration, and it processes all new main campus international agreements, including contract review and signature-routing. GEO can also facilitate agreements focused on international education initiatives with higher education partners in New Mexico or other states.
For general inquiries, or assistance with initiating an international agreement, please email:
For international agreements related to healthcare please contact Cristina Beato, M.D., at the UNM Health Sciences Center (505-272-5066 |
The types of MOU’s managed by GEO include, but are not limited to:
Formalizes UNM’s “friendship” with the other school but does not commit the parties to do anything specific
Can accompany a General Cooperation agreement or stand alone.
A common agreement that allows UNM and “partner” school’s students to study abroad while paying home university tuition and fees. Balance in the number of academic terms exchanged is required over the term of the agreement. Faculty/departments interested in sponsoring a student exchange agreement need to complete the student exchange program application and return it to
Course-for-course transfer agreements between two institutions in different countries. These agreements may involve a specified set of courses that will be offered during a given term, and then transferred in bulk to the other institution. Each institution’s faculty retains complete control of its respective program. Examples: Engineering 4+1 and 3+2 yields a B.S. from the home university and an M.S. from UNM; 3+1+1 yields a BBA from the home university and an MBA or M. Accounting from UNM.
A degree program that is designed and delivered by two or more partner institutions in different countries. A student receives a credential from each partner institutions.
A degree program that is designed and delivered by two or more partner institutions in different countries. A student receives a single credential endorsed by each institution.
Guest students (aka Study Abroad students) pay UNM non-resident tuition and fees to take courses for 1 or 2 semesters and transfer the credits to meet degree requirements at their home university.
UNM students may participate in another school’s complementary study-abroad programs not offered by UNM and vice versa.
UNM pays a percentage of net tuition to in-country recruiters of ESL and degree-seeking international students.
UNM hires a contractor to provide in-country recruitment, pre-admissions support, and alumni-relations services, and to promote academic collaboration and education-abroad initiatives.