Stop-or-Go Self Survey

Stop-or-Go Self Survey

Before launching a process to develop a new MOU, the sponsoring faculty and/or administrator should take the following self-survey (as applicable). The question set will help determine if current conditions are ripe or pre-mature for a sponsor and his/her department/college/school/unit to pursue a particular agreement.

  1. What is the current level of student activity with this partner?
  2. What is the current level of student interest in this region or country?
  3. How many students are estimated to be eligible on a regular, long-term basis to participate in the proposed program?
  4. Are multiple departments/colleges/schools/units interested in this activity?
  5. Is the partner committed to sending enough students to balance an exchange?
  1. What is the current level of faculty activity with this partner?
  2. Does a significant number of pertinent faculty support this partnership?
  3. Are faculty in other departments or colleges interested in this partnership?
  1. Does the proposed partnership compete with similar partnerships for students and faculty?
  2. Does the proposed partnership address a gap in existing partnerships?
  3. How does the proposed partnership leverage existing partnerships or institutional strengths?
  1. Does the proposed partner institution have a comparable reputation?
  2. If not, are the reputations of specific programs comparable?
  3. Is the partner’s mission compatible with UNM?
  4. Does the partner’s curriculum match UNM’s needs?
  5. Is the partner’s academic calendar compatible with UNM?
  6. What is the language of instruction?  Is there language support?
  7. Does the partner have similar research interests/strengths?
  8. Does the partner have an established administrative office to facilitate the agreement?
  9. Have both partners confirmed (a) that they can provide the support services to host students successfully, and (b) which of their departments have the capacity and willingness to accommodate a designated number of students?
  10. Are there designated coordinators and/or contact persons at both institutions, including advisement staff who can address implementation issuesbeforestudents arrive on campus;
  11. Are there significant health and/or safety concerns?
  12. Is the planned activity legal for both partners to undertake?
  1. Will the department, college, or other participating party commit resources to the agreement?
  2. Will the department, college, or other participating party commit faculty or advisement support for X+Y agreements that require transfer-credit mapping?
  3. What resources is the partner offering?
  4. What external sources of support are available?
  5. What are the cost advantages of developing this partnership?
  6. Which of the following are available for support of this partnership: Faculty release time; travel for site visits; accommodations for visiting scholars; aid for study abroad students; special projects or collaborations?
  7. Is there strong potential to generate revenue from degree-seeking students, guest students, or custom short-term programs? (not applicable to exchange agreements)
  1. What are the first activities for this partnership that build understanding at lower cost and risk?
  2. What is a reasonable level of activity for this fully developed partnership?
  1. Which UNM faculty member is willing to sponsor the agreement?
  2. How frequently are the results of the agreement to be reviewed?
  3. What activity-based metrics will be used to evaluate this partnership?